Thursday, January 20, 2011

A whole new world!

After THREE trips to the Sprint store, I have a new phone!!

First trip: I tried the "guy" thing as recommended by well, guys! "Tell them you are switching services and they will offer you a new phone, car, life, the whole deal, all for maybe $5 a month"!! So, I swaggered in and inquired about my contract as I was considering switching carriers! Of course I knew damn good and well my contract is up, I have had this same phone for THREE years! After looking at my bill and surely noting my Sprint loyalty since bag phone days (before some of you were even born) I was told "Yea, it's up, you going to Verizon?" So much for that! I left and went to see Country Strong, highly recommended, and much better than phone shopping.

Second trip: I tried a different Sprint store. Here they were a little more helpful; immediately switching my plan ($20 cheaper) according to what I am actually using! Now we're talking, and I am the only customer in the store (has that EVER happened in a cell phone store?). SO, I spend no less than an hour deciding what I need, can actually operate, and how much money I am willing to spend. After an agonizing decision, I was told "It will take 3-5 days to get here and actually we no longer carry that particular phone." What?? Turns out this is a faux store, some sort of third party posers, which explains why I was the only loser in there! So much for that too!

Third trip: Back to store number one! This time I asked for a manager, ready to give the ol "guy" thing another whirl! I explained events one and two and although he was somewhat sympathetic, he did not offer a new phone or car, or even a free car charger (yes, I was groveling but frankly just tired of the whole thing!)

SO, I have a new phone and the nice young man who I side-stepped initially for a manager, turned out to be the most helpful of all. This guy was in awe of the fact I had the same phone for so long!! Told me I definitely didn't need insurance, who does that? (I know, I know, now I am going to need it!) And found me a discount, taking another $7 off my monthly bill, bought my old phone back for $5 AND set up my email. He was genuinely concerned as he kept inquiring "are you going to be OK with this when you leave here?" And my equally genuine response? " Of course, that is why I had kids!"

Note to kids: JK, or with my new phone....JUST KIDDING!!

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