Monday, November 15, 2010

That sometimes you just need a man.

Sorry girls, I hate to admit it, especially since I don’t even have one to call my own, but there are some things that just require the man factor!

Fire, Cars and Electronics OH MY!!!


When I moved into my house, one of my favorite things was the lovely stone fireplace. Right next to the fireplace was a little switch that controlled the fire. Perfect! I want a cozy fire, flip on. Done with fire (or having hot flash), flip off! Year two when it got cold, I flipped the little switch…. and nothing! I called my trusty next door neighbor and over he came, tool box in hand. He spent a good deal of time doing who knows what; I was in the kitchen baking cookies and keeping my distance from scary fire. Thirty minutes later, all was well and I could flip my switch for fire. I have no idea what he did, didn’t ask, didn’t care! I sent my borrowed man on his way with some freshly baked cookies.

This year, not so easy! First call for help went to the same household, different owner (oh why did they move????). New dude had no luck, but in all fairness I think all my “please be careful, do you KNOW what you are doing” scared him off. Second call, different household, another borrowed man. In all fairness to him, he spent a LOT of time at my place while I was at work, not even home baking cookies. Still no fire! As a last resort ($$$) I called the propane company and for a mere $90 (WHAT??) they could set up a service call. Or, they could first “walk me through a few things”. I may hate fire, but I do like money. So I opted to first “walk through some things”, but I sure as hell wasn’t walking alone! The third and final distress call went to my brother-in-law. He is family, what could he say? After assuring me he would take care of me in the burn unit if necessary, he VERY patiently walked “through some things” with me (from the safety of another state). GLORY BE, it worked!

And now, fire on, fire off; love it. I’m a big girl now! (isn’t that a song for something…)


Kristen said...

hahahaha! love it! the long awaited mermis blog!!!

EMU said...

YESSS! I'm loving it!

Maureen said...

Love it! I look forward to more!

Maureen said...

Hmmmm. I'm going to have to figure out why my google picture didn't pop up.